Good luck to Coruh Park and Cable Car Artvin

artvin ropeway
artvin ropeway

Ak Party Artvin Provincial Chairman Av. Erkan Balta, while making important statements; He gave the good news that they had provided two more important services to Artvin. Hunting. Erkan Balta, recently, "One CHP is worth ten AKP people." He also criticized Emin Özgün.
AK Party Provincial Chairman Av. Erkan Balta stated that the first of these services is Coruh Park which is being built to Coruh River Coast and the other one is the cable car project which is expected and desirable.

We Make Corvin Park for Artvin

Hunting. Erkan Balta made evaluations about the Çoruh Park project in his statement. Provincial President Erkan Balta; on the subject; “Due to our love for Artvin, we are happy to add a new service to our services.

This project is the ÇORUH PARK project. With this project, we are ending our people's longing for a social facility for years. Preparation of Recreational Areas on Deriner Dam Road Slopes and Coruh River Coastal Arrangement Landscape Projects Following the completion of ÇORUH PARK work, the tender was held within the scope of the investment program of the Artvin DSİ 26th Regional Directorate. The local company, which received the tender, started its work. Hopefully, the relevant company will finish the job in a short time and we will put it at the service of our Artvin people. The project will be carried out in the area starting from the Tunnel at the exit of our Artvin, along the banks of the Çoruh River to the Köprübaşı location.

Within the scope of ÇORUH PARK social facility project, restaurants, cafeterias, kiosks, fishing consoles, sinks and toilets, observation terrace, suspension bridge to the area where the current private administration is located, information offices, road and elevator for bicycles and the disabled, playgrounds, prayer rooms for men and women. It is a facility that includes fountains, fountains, free picnic area, tennis, basketball, volleyball, football fields, fountains, water tanks center, children's playgrounds, and is planned as a place where our people can spend time and rest comfortably as a family. I wish good luck to our Artvin compatriots in advance. Hopefully, when the project is over, our citizens from Artvin will have the opportunity to spend a great time and rest in these areas. As the government and local organizations, we expect the continuation of the support of our people for the continuation of these beautiful services. We continue to work day and night to serve our country and Artvin.”

As the Government, We Bring the Cable Car Project to Artvin

Ak Party Artvin Provincial Chairman Av. Erkan Balta, in the second of his explanations by giving an important gospel to the public in relation to the expected long-term Artvin Artvin ropeway project, wished the city auspicious auspicious project.

Hunting. Erkan Balta, the ropeway project expected for years full of good news in his statement; “One of the tasks of local governments is to solve the transportation problem. Our city is undoubtedly one of the cities in terms of public transportation. With the establishment of Artvin Coruh University, transportation problem has become a big problem especially for students. While the city administration should take steps to solve this problem, as of today, no steps have been taken yet. Students who attend classes at the main campus seyitler village campus have to change two vehicles to come to the city center.

Because the Seyitler campus is not within the contiguous area of ​​the Municipality. With the established cooperative minibuses, students can only come to the Köprübaşı location. In order to get to the center from Köprübaşı, they have to ride another public transportation. This brings great burden to our students both in terms of economy and time. In fact, our students, whose economy is not very good and who are studying under difficult conditions, also faced this problem and the burden has doubled. This must be the value given to our education city Artvin. Our local authorities have not solved this problem. The ropeway project for Artvin has become a necessity to facilitate transportation. The project is to be used as an attractive alternative transportation means to facilitate transportation and also to be used for tourism purposes in our province.

For this purpose, our party Ak Parti did not have the local government to solve this problem but could not remain indifferent to the problem and had to hand over the problem. Our deputy İsrafil Kışla and our governor Necmettin Kalkan stepped in and presented the cable car solution to the Mayor of Istanbul for the solution of this problem.

The Mayor of Istanbul, Kadir Topbaş, who has met the proposal very reasonably, forwarded the issue to our Minister of Transport and started to work in cooperation with the Ministry of Tourism. While these works continued, Artvin Mayor rolled his arms to steal the project and put himself into practice of the ropeway project. In the 2009 local elections, this project, which has no promises, probably came to mind after the steps taken by the government authorities. This is a beautiful development for our city.

We are good, beautiful and true who is coming from our acceptance by saying that we follow our own project and follow the project. What makes us happy is the steps for the municipality's ropeway project.

As a result, the Ropeway project prepared by our Governor Necmettin Kalkan before the Artvin Governorate was submitted to DOKA and the project was accepted at the last DOKA meeting.

The project will be financed directly within the framework of the technical and financial support program. We will present this beautiful project to our province. I wish both projects good luck to our Artvin and Artvin compatriots.”

President Emin Özgün Differences Between Artvin

AK Party Provincial Chairman Atty. Erkan Balta, in his statement, Artvin Mayor Dr. Emin Özgün recently made; He also responded to the statement, "One CHP member is worth ten AKP members." In his statement, Atty. Erkan Balta; “The Mayor of Artvin, Mr. Emin Özgün, declared in an interview he gave to the local newspaper and at the Provincial Congress of the CHP Youth Branch, 1 CHP is worth 10 AK Party members. We are giving this answer to him and his party so that his base and people of Artvin can see how the mentality of the mayor of the CHP, who advocates freedom and equality between people on every platform, is about discrimination and how he distinguishes between people. As AK Party members, we know and consider every Artvin citizen as our brother, friend, fellow countryman, without discriminating between any Artvin residents. We do not find it humanely correct to discriminate between people. We love people because they are people. We love the created because of the creator. Every person living in Artvin, with or without a party, is valuable and important to us. Living in this difficult geography is not for every brave man. For this reason, every CHP member who breathes Artvin's air, drinks its water and eats its bread is as valuable to us as Ak Parti members.
As a political discourse, we do not find this statement of Mr. Emin Özgün true, neither morality nor man, nor politically. We think that it does not benefit our city or our country from a political party that builds its own lifestyle and political philosophy solely on criticism.

The distinction between people, slander, and the CHP mentality that considers them privileged as elites in country administration has never put the nation at the center. Our people in Anatolia, Hassolar, Memos, men scratching the belly of the contempt and despised mindset of the country has a say in the government and power could not be. We leave this situation where the executives of the party founded by Atatürk fell to the evaluation of our fellow citizens in Artvin. Atatürk has never made a distinction between people. But today's CHP, we can see why a CHP mentality that cannot do anything other than criticism and doodling on behalf of the management of our country, cannot produce projects, and we are all witnessing.

We are watching with an example what they have made the party founded by Atatürk. If Atatürk's party cannot come to power, the problem is that the status quo of today's CHPs, who cannot produce projects that do not claim the values ​​of the people who break this party away from the people, and who have the understanding that looks upon the people from the top.
After every lost election, those who cannot question why we lost the election cannot self-criticize.

It's easy to criticize without producing a solution, it's easy to say that Turkey is getting worse. It's about saying something new, it's about putting your hand to work for a solution, it's about falling in love with Turkey and Artvin. Our love is Artvin. Our love is from Artvin. “he used the phrases. – Atvinsesi

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