TÜVASAŞ Ranked 12th Among The Largest Public Industrial Organizations

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TÜVASAŞ, which is included in the list of giant industrial enterprises; the public also made a name.
Turkey announced the ranking of the 500 largest industrial corporations. "We are honored," said İbrahim Ertiryaki, General Manager of TÜVASAŞ, who is on the list.

Istanbul Chamber of Industry (ISO) have been prepared to explain Turkey's largest 500 industrial companies. Turkey Wagon Industry Co. (TÜVASAŞ) ranked 168,8th on the list with a turnover of 467 million liras. Making a statement, General Manager İbrahim Ertiryaki: “We are honored. By raising this success chart of TÜVASAŞ, we have the determination to sustain it. ” said.

Gained momentum they successfully continued striking Ertirya said: "TÜVASAŞ take place in Turkey's largest 500 industrial companies; It is a pleasing development for all TÜVASAŞ family and Sakarya. The fact that we rank 12th among the largest public institutions in this list also showed the importance of the existence of TÜVASAŞ. ” used expressions.

21 Diyarbakir

Bus Services Increased on the Elidolu and Dicle University Route

Diyarbakir Metropolitan Municipality increased the number of services of the G1 line, which operates on the Elidolu and Dicle University route, where there is a high density. The Transportation Department has increased the number of services of the GXNUMX line, which operates on the Elidolu and Dicle University route, in order to provide faster transportation for citizens and [more…]