Gaziantep Organized Industrial Zone - State Railways to construct GATEM and Küsget rail system line

Mayor Asım Güzelbey,
"A World Leaders Summit made to represent Turkey in 20 years as the Gaziantep Metropolitan Municipality, the task was given to us," he said.
Giving information about the underpass in front of the university at the entrance of Karatas Guzelbey, the work continues at a great pace and aim to complete the study before the Feast of Ramadan was passed.
Güzelbey, who stated that they would organize Şehreküstü Crossroad as soon as the underpass is over, completed his speech as follows:
“2013 will be a busy year for the municipality. We aim to finish the rail system of the Ibrahimli region. We had a transportation meeting in Ankara under the chairmanship of Fatma Şahin, Minister of Family and Social Policies. Organized Industrial Zone, GATEM and Küsget rail system line will be built by State Railways. As a municipality, we will only build art structures. For the first time in Gaziantep, the Ministry of Transport and Metropolitan Municipality will launch a new tram line of approximately 25 kilometers. The new line will organize transportation in Gaziantep transportation at the end of 2013, it has come to a point shown as examples in major cities in Turkey. "

Source: News


  1. I and Dülük village will be affected

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