Google Maps to Show Subway Times

Fast Train Map
Map: RayHaber - High Speed ​​Train Map

Google works to facilitate the travel of tourists to London.

Google was waiting for the tourists to go to London and began showing the time of the train passing through the Metro stations in the city center of London. It's easy to see these hours. You need to reach the metro station on Google maps. An immediate list of subways that will pass through that stop is displayed and this list contains the clock.

When you look at this service that Google launched in London for the first time, it jumps to other cities in the near future, so users can quickly access traffic information as well as public transport information through map services. However, this service will suffer if unsure about when to Turkey. It does not take place in any city street view taken place in Turkey in Google maps. Although an attempt has been made by Google, no permission has been taken.

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