Popular Telegram Groups

Popular Telegram Groups

Telegram application, which is used as one of the most effective messaging methods, has reached a significant user base, especially with its group applications. Opened on the Telegram application and each [more…]

Students Enjoyed Skiing in Akdağ
55 Samsun

Students Enjoyed Skiing in Akdağ

Metropolitan Municipality organized a trip to Ladik district within the scope of the "Discover Samsun, Notice Your City" project. Students participating in the trip for the first time visited Ambarköy Open Air Museum. More [more…]

Tourism Police on Duty in Erciyes
38 Kayseri

Tourism Police on Duty in Erciyes

Tourism police teams of Kayseri Metropolitan Municipality Police Department ensured that local and foreign tourists enjoy peace and tranquility at Erciyes Ski Resort, one of the leading ski resorts in Turkey and the world. [more…]

'Hair Stories' in Historical Cistern
34 Istanbul

'Hair Stories' in Historical Cistern

Bebek Cistern, which was restored by Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality and turned into an art gallery, hosts works inspired by the stories of women exposed to violence. Artist Yasemin Güzel's exhibition titled 'Stories from Hair' [more…]

Youth Center Nature Walks Started
26 Eskisehir

Youth Center Nature Walks Started

The nature walks organized by Eskişehir Metropolitan Municipality Youth Center many times every year started this year with the Turkmen Mountain route. Contributing to young people's participation in sports and [more…]

TRNC Steps into the Digital World with TÜRKSAT

TRNC Steps into the Digital World with TÜRKSAT

The Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure announced that Türksat has brought its e-Government infrastructure establishment experience to the Young Homeland, Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC). Establishing the e-Government infrastructure of Turkey and Northern Cyprus [more…]

Disaster Awareness Panel from ABB
06 Ankara

Disaster Awareness Panel from ABB

Ankara Metropolitan Municipality Earthquake Risk Management and Urban Improvement Department organized the "Disaster Risks and Management Panel" in order to raise awareness about natural disasters and raise awareness among citizens. [more…]