81 Japan

World's fastest train arrives

The world's fastest train is coming: The Japanese government is starting to work to mass produce the world's fastest train. The train will be able to reach a speed of 482 kilometers. The train will arrive in 2027 [more…]

Intercity Railways

Maximum speed in freight transport by train

Maximum speed will be possible in freight transportation by train: Stating that they attach importance to fast freight transportation in High Speed ​​Trains (YHT), Minister Elvan said, "Especially those coming from the Izmir axis and those coming from the Ankara axis." [more…]


5 billion dollar rail investment coming

5 billion railway investment is coming: The government approved the decision of the High Planning Council (YPK) regarding the implementation, coordination and monitoring of the 2015 program. Published in today's issue of the Official Gazette [more…]