Marmaray Sirkeci Station
34 Istanbul

Marmaray Sirkeci Station Opened Quietly

Sirkeci station, which has been closed since the day Marmaray started service, was opened quietly yesterday. Citizens say that they are happy about the opening of Sirkeci station and that they can now go about their business more easily. [more…]

34 Istanbul

Two famous together

Two celebrities are together in Marmaray: When Tuğçe Kazaz and Hasan Kaçan used Marmaray, nice images emerged. She plays the leading role in the series Gönül Hırsızı, which is broadcast on TRT 1 on Monday evenings. [more…]

marmarayin sirkeci station was opened, the day was born for philanthropists
34 Istanbul

Marmaray's Sirkeci station is opened

Marmaray's Sirkeci station was opened. The day has come for the Khayyamists: Sirkeci station, the most important station of Marmaray, which connects the European and Asian continents with a tube passage under the Bosphorus, has finally been completed. [more…]

05 Amasya

Amasray Project from MHP

Amasray Project from MHP: Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) Amasya Mayor Candidate A. Fatih Coşar stated that the 'Amasray' project, which they plan to implement if elected, will pass under Harşena Mountain. [more…]

16 Bursa

Disabled Persons in Bursa

Disabled People Worked as Pilots in Bursa: The light rail system center, which has an important share in urban transportation in Bursa, hosted disabled people. It has a significant share in urban transportation in Bursa. [more…]